Mind Over Matter

Contemplation, Inspiration, Transformation


Guardianship and Protection of our Natural Resources

The selected materials (Takaka marble, pounamu, Taranaki andesite, Kai Iwi beach rock, Whanganui and Piha iron sands) pay homage to the beauty, uniqueness and fragility of New Zealand’s natural environment. There is no denying it anymore, our nature needs protection, not exploitation...

My creation is one more nudge to encourage more awareness, more CONTEMPLATION, INSPIRATION and TRANSFORMATION, so Aotearoa’s journey of healing and protecting the land can take place more wholesomely.

My glass-enamel mosaics weave through all three panels and link them energetically. They represent the human touch, the creative energy that can bring about more understanding and connection (hopefully).

Heina Petzold Oct 2022